- Provide timely credit service within the reach of the small and micro businessman.
- Support the small and micro businessman to achieve their financial independence, improving their business and quality of life.
- Promote the development and strengthening of micro and small enterprises, which cause a positive effect in the fight against poverty in our country through the generation of employment and self-employment.
The social objectives that we propose will be achieved by attending to three categories of target clients derived from the mission, which are defined below:
- Clients with limited economic resources; that through their micro business they generate sufficient income to achieve their food sustainability, cover their basic needs and those of their family: the conservation of their own means of occupation.
- Supplementary clients; those that already have a secure source of income to cover their basic needs and need resources to attend a new business or growth of the existing one, to increase their income and improve their physical life conditions.
- Customers who own a small business; those who through financing seek to achieve financial independence, improve their business, establish a new business and the growth of their income.
The main strategic objectives for the 2016-2020 period:
- Quantitative institutional goals: achieve a significant improvement in terms of financial indicators such as productivity, asset growth, asset quality and profitability.
- Qualitative institutional goals: achieve greater market positioning and institutional image. Have access to new sources of local and international financing.
To achieve this objective, it is planned to continue participating actively in the different organizations and associations that promote the development of the micro financial sector, such as:
- Participate as an active member of the REDMICROH board of directors and in the different work committees.
- Promote transparency by reporting information to MIX MARKET and REDCAMIF for Central America.
- Publicarnos en el directorio de oferta de servicios financieros para MIPYMES.
Los principales objetivos estratégicos para el periodo 2016–
- Metas institucionales cuantitativas: lograr un mejora significativa en lo referente a indicadores financieros como productividad, crecimiento de los activos, calidad de activos y rentabilidad.
- Metas institucionales cualitativas: lograr un mayor posicionamiento de mercado e imagen institucional. Tener acceso a nuevas fuentes de financiamiento locales e internacionales.